Words doesn't come in the way

Words Words is a platform to just write. It doesn't come in the way of you and your thoughts, with complete data privacy. How it works This repo contains a REST CRUD API for the backend of Words, a pla

An innovative, DB-free CMS for

Quanta Cms An innovative, DB-free Framework for web and application development, based on the principles of Quantum physics. Originally designed by Aldo Tripiciano in 2014, Quanta is now proudly free a

✨ Ultra-lightweight, no-fuss,

Ultra-lightweight, flat-file nearly-headless blogging system I built Nicholas to be everything I wanted from a blogging system and nothing more. A pleasure to write, flexible to integrate, quick to se

Simple PHP and JSON CMS

##About skymo skymo is a lightweight Content Management System built using PHP and JSON. it does not use a database. ##Site StructureThe structure of a skymo site is held in JSON files. The admin inter

Fast and small flat file CMS (

WonderCMS - small flat file CMS 5 files • 48KB zip - 1 step install WonderCMS is an extremely small flat file CMS. It's fast, responsive and doesn't require any configuration . It provides a simple w

PHP 图片处理组件,实现图片缩略图和打水印,兼

Windwork 图片处理组件 支持图片缩略图和打水印,兼容各种第三方云存贮。处理图片后,为方便云存贮处理,不直接保存图片,而是返回图片二进制内容。


音乐搜索器 说明 多站合一音乐搜索解决方案,由(https://github.com/lzq-hopego/music)后期优化和修复,支持搜索试听以下网站音乐: 网易云音乐 QQ音乐 酷狗音


bodian_music_api 波点音乐js接口和php php部署到服务器,监控jiankongbd.php js部署到cloudflare 也可以直接监控cloudflare的接口http://域名/qdapi?id=xxxxx


介绍 FastWorker:一款使用PHP开发的高性能socket长连接业务框架,适用于游戏、实时通讯、推送、物联网等。本项目基于workerman/gatewayWorker开发,具有长连接


ThinkPHP 5.0 ThinkPHP5在保持快速开发和大道至简的核心理念不变的同时,PHP版本要求提升到5.4,对已有的CBD模式做了更深的强化,优化核心,减少依赖,基于全


Docker PHP Env # 建立环境/重新builddocker-compose build# 启动 [-d daemon]docker-compose up -d 稍后继续完善