PHP SDK for ActiveCollab 5 and

PHP SDK for ActiveCollab 5 and 6 API This is a simple PHP library that makes communication with Active Collab API easy. Installation If you choose to install this application with Composer instead of p

Statemachine in PHP 5.6 / PHP

metabor/statemachine Statemachine in PHP 5.6 / PHP 7 Support Gitter Continuous Integration/Deployment TravisCI Open Issues Package Information Packagist Compatibility Dependency Status VersionEye Test

PHP 7 to PHP 5.6 Transpiler

Transphpile: A PHP 7 to PHP 5.6 transpiler This transpiler lets you write PHP7 code and converts it back to equal PHP5.6 so you can run in on older PHP versions.The transpiler itself does not need PHP7

A modern, super fast XML/RPC c

fxmlrpc: really fast XML/RPC for PHP A convenient, object oriented API (similar to the XML/RPC client in Zend Framework)Very fast serializing and parsing of the XML payloads involvedStick to the HTTP c

LdapTools is a feature-rich LD

LdapTools LdapTools is a feature-rich LDAP library for PHP 5.6+. It was designed to be customizable for use with pretty much anydirectory service, but contains default attribute converters and schemas

Google Map API v3 integration

README Overview The Ivory Google Map project provides a Google Map integration for your PHP 5.6+ project. It allows you to manage map,controls, overlays, events services through the Google Map API v3.

A framework agnostic, multi-ga

Omnipay An easy to use, consistent payment processing library for PHP Omnipay is a payment processing library for PHP. It has been designed based onideas from Active Merchant, plus experience implement

PHP Memory Cacher - best cache

PHP Memory Cacher #Key-value storage in memory As a storage can be used: RedisCouchbaseMemcachedAPCShared memory All storage objects have one interface, so you can switch them without changing the work

All in one PHP user authentica

Cancellation Notice Future development has been canceled. I recommend using a framework with built-in user authentication and authorization like Laravel uFlex 1.0.x A simple all-in-one PHP user Authent

ImpressPages is php framework

ImpressPages core This repository is used as a library for the main respository. Here are stored the most fundamental features of ImpressPages. In long run,

Provide a `push` command to co

Push command for composer This composer plugin provide a composer push command that allow to push the current package into a distant composer repository. Currently supported repositories are: JFrog Art