
dd2.0 A Vue.js project Build Setup # install dependenciesnpm install# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080npm run dev# build for production with minificationnpm run build# build for production and v

使用swiper.js 和 LunarCalendar.mi

依赖资源 ./css/swiper.min.css 日历组件滑动css库 ./js/swiper.js 日历组件滑动js库 ./js/LunarCalendar.min.js 农历js库配置和使用方法 DOM结构 一个 div 即可 div id="test"/di

Open DataTable is a JQuery plu

Open DataTable jQuery plug-in Open DataTable is a JQuery plug-in. It is fast, very much realiable, easy to implement, highly flexible and comes with a very beautiful UI.It is currently avaiblable only


PHP版本 两个数据库 表 和 相同表字段 之间的差异

请先阅读我 在开发过程中,或许总会遇到两个数据库之间的差异对比,很多时候,我们会因为缺少工具,觉得对比麻烦就全新覆盖上去了。 但是如果数据

resume database that supports

Resume_Registry_DB resume database that supports CRUD, made in PHP and JS Simple resume database that support Create, Read, Update, and Delete operations (CRUD).Its also possible to move user informati

Интернет-магазин на HTML, CSS,

#Реализованный функционал, клиентская часть: Регистрация пользователей (валидация данных на стороне сервера,

Cs 446 [CodeIgniter MVC, PHP,

My Finance Buddy Introduction My Finance Buddy is a fun and intelligent system that allows one to manage their financials in a creative and engaging way. Unlike most other financial applications or sys

ZenTracker is a next-gen BitTo

ZenTracker ZenTracker is a next-generation BitTorrent private tracker. It's build with Symfony PHP framework and uses famous libs (jQuery, Twitter Bootstrap). How to install ? Requirements WebserverPHP


SISTEMA DE VENTAS BASICO SISTEMA de VENTAS BASICO desarrollado en PHP, MySQL, MVC, AJAX BULMA INSTALACIÓN 1 - Copie o mueva la carpeta VENTAS a su servidor local o remoto 2 - Cree una base de datos en

Sistema de TIENDA en ONLINE de